terça-feira, 4 de outubro de 2011

Home made masks

Friday night I stayed at home as I had a wedding Saturday and wasn't in the mood to go out.
So I decided that it was a good oportunity to try and do a home made facial mask. I went online and googled some facial masks with the ingredients I had in the fridge.

First I did this recipe:

"Another firming egg white face mask. The honey is a humectant which means it attracts moisture and keeps it where it is supposed to be: under your skin, leaving you with a nice smooth and soft skin
What do you need: 

  • 1 Egg white  
  • 1 tablespoon organic Honey

How to do it:

Warm up the honey until it becomes runny (not too hot!) by putting it in a small glass or metal bowl which is immersed in hot water (or a few seconds in the microwave)

Whip the egg white into foam and add the honey

Spread the paste gently and equally with your fingertips on your clean face and neck; keep the eye area clear
Now lie down, relax and leave the mask on for 10-15 minutes

Then wash it off with alternately cold and warm water and end with a splash of cold; pat your skin dry with a clean towel. Finally apply a moisturizer." 

I really did felt my skin was tighter and softer so I thougt it would be good to reuse the remains and do a hair mask. Once again I googled it and added more honey and olive oil to the egg whites as in this recipe:

  • 2 eggs 
  • 1 tbsp. Honey 
  • 2 tbsp. Olive Oil 
Mix two whole eggs with two tablespoons of olive oil. Add the honey and mix further. Smooth through hair. Cover your hair with a plastic bag and leave for one hour.  Rinse well with warm water and then shampoo as usual. Apply this mask at least once a week and you will always have beautiful and healthy hair!"

I really felt my hair was more hidrated after the mask and I went to the hairdresser the next day to blow dry my hair and she commented how hidrated my hair was, so this means it really worked! :) 

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